Sunday, July 31, 2011

A bit from the book I'm reading

It's fun watching discoveries

So, in the past hour alone, Jason has learned that a) the bathtub plug is not an oddly-shaped pacifier and that it makes the water stay in the tub and b) that if he turns the bucket juuust riiight, then it fills with water. And buckets of "I told you the water wasn't quite warm yet!!" water are fun to dump on Sissy and listen to her scream. lol

Tonight's tub was more to surface clean than scrub. No hair washing, no soaps, just some red & orange food dyes, Mr. Bubble, and lots of water. They got clean on their own.

And now Mr. Man is running aorund the house in nothing but his "boy panties" as Allie calls them. Which is technically correct, So far, 10 minutes in and no pee. But it's going to happen.

Hopefully not while he's on the couch. Mind, both kids have puked all over the couch so a little pee can't hurt, but still. Pee smell is harder to get rid of than vomit smell.

Just in case you were wondering. lol

School tomorrow!

I've pretty much planned out what we'll be doing for 3hrs each day. Allie's got plenty of workbooks covering different topics to learn. I know that worksheets aren't the best way to learn but they're the best place to start for us.

The spare room has been successfully turned from a barely-used play room to a nice little classroom. We bought a desk and are using 2 of our breakfast table (currently computer table) chairs for that. I've got the room (it's small, 9'x10-11') divided into 2 areas by means of 2 different rugs.

A small coffee table is in there as well as the kids' toybox of stuffed animals, their picnic table, and a 3-drawer bin of different "educational" toys. There's also a 3-drawer bin holding all the papers/workbooks/crayons/etc. next to the desk. On the closet, we have a map of the US with the state flags for all the states we've lived circled, and all of our birthplaces circled on the map.

The plan is to help Allie with worksheets, writing her name, and reading for a 2hr span in the morning (10-noon), break for lunch and an hour nap/quiet play time (noon-2), and then get back into the room for an hour of crafts/music/free playing in the afternoon (2-3). Hopefully that'll be long enough to keep both kids entertained but not overwhelmed.

The workbooks & worksheets consist of material from Pre-K through 1st grade. Allie's more advanced when it comes to language/reading and has almost no concept of basic math. There are also flashcards ($1 from Target) of animals and space and some play $1 bills to help her add money. Once Jason gets a little older (after his next birthday), I'll be investing in large play coins so she has experience with coins.

As holidays/birthdays/special occasions draw near, I'll be encorporating themed-crafts/learning that they can both do. I've been saving toilet paper/paper towel tubes as well as cardboard inserts in packages we recieve. We're also keeping a good eye on our Postcrossing postcards to help learn about new countries.

I'm hoping to have her prepared enough to go into Kindergarten with the ability to write her name in a 4" lined space, count to 100 with little help, write the numbers 0-9, write the alphabet, and read. She did the reading part on her own. She picked it up while we were learning what sounds each letter makes and went from "A says AHHHHHH!!" to looking at simple text "Your coupon binder says 'Five Star!'" without the hesitation of sounding things out.

It's just basics but it'll be enough. But I know she's learning things every day, "Giraffes stick their tongues in their noses and lick! That's silly!" so she's going to go in more prepared than I realise.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Feel Needed.

Well, that was a funny call. lol  Mikey had gone to Walmart with a friend to pick up the things he'd need to survive on his own.

I answer the call (he used said friend's phone so I was a little confused at first) to "Babe. I need help. I'm in the laundry detergent aisle and I need help." Yes. I started laughing idiotically. And nap/quiet time was officially over for the little man since that got him excited.

So I walked him through which detergent to get (the smallest bottle of Gain you can find. You won't need a lot), which dryer sheets (the smallest count of any brand/scent but we use Gain's Apple-Mango Tango sheets), and made sure he picked up some Tide stain pacs for his uniforms. And he's going to call again in an hour or so when he actually has to go do his laundry.

Of course, my husband is the man that could count the number of (successful!) loads of laundry he's ever done on one hand. Made me feel good to be needed. He's washed uniforms here but everything he needed was directly in front of him so it was easier. When it comes down to standing in an aisle full of options (how much? what scent? cold/hard water? do I need stain stuff? why does a front-load washer need different detergent?!) it can be a bit overwhelming.

I gave him what he'd need for basic laundry loads (uniforms and civvies) since he doesn't need to worry about whites, delicates, children that react to certain detergents, etc. We have 2 different detergents on hand (Tide makes Allie break out), stain packs/liquid/AND powder, and dryer sheets as well as crystals. And each load of laundry requires something different.

Maybe this is what will help him see why I'm so confused/exhausted at the end of the day.

Not gonna lie

I could've gone without yesterday and my life would probably have been better for it.

Are we always not going to have anything to say? Have we really exhausted all possible conversation lines in the last 4yrs? Is this what the next 4yrs is going to be like?

If I had recorded all the time I saw my husband in the past 12 months, I wouldn't be surprised if that only added up to 6 months of family time.

Not him coming in at 2am and me waking up long enough to register he's home before passing back out. Not phone calls. Not him rushing home to pick up something he forgot and getting an extra "I love you" as he ran out the door. Actually family time. Even if all we did was lay around the house for an hour.

We always neglected our own relationship to ensure that the kids had solid bonds with us. If someone was sick or scared, they'd sleep in bed with us, even if it was our anniversary. We put off date nights alone for trips to the zoo for the 3rd time or to the beach, just so the kids could play in the sand and eat seashells (I still find sand piles in the van).

I guess I'm just being selfish. But I miss my husband. Even when he's not physically gone.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Recall Roundup!

Just in case you don't get the email alerts like I do, here are some of the most recent recalls out there for children/baby things.

Phil&teds strollers due to brake failure.
Disney-branded pogo sticks due to fall and laceration hazards.
Little People Builders' Load 'n Go Wagons due to laceration hazard.
Non-Slip Bathtub Pads due to fall hazard.
Prime-Line child safety latches/outlet covers due to screws breaking.
Target's Children's Desk Lamps due to laceration and fire hazards.

So, make sure to read the pages carefully to ensure that the the product in question is the correct one. Here's hoping none of these things are in your homes and if they have, they haven't caused any trouble.

Laundry day is a very dangerous day.

Concert was fantastic last night! We turned it into a girl date, got sushi before hand and frogurt afterward. Well, the concert itself wasn't all that great (Sublime was, though), so up until the sun set we sat and people watched.

If you're familiar with concerts, you could almost take a bingo card with you and find the same manner of people at every one. (Taken & compiled from my posts to Facebook last night to keep track of them all:)

Old guy, guy with kid on his shoulders, man ponytail, black guy, I just got hit with a beach ball!, drunk peoples, tube top as a skirt, and weed! Lesbian, white girl dreads, white guy dreads, black guy with dreads to his ass, belligerent drunk guy in red shirt is now shirtless. Belligerent guy grinding on belligerent girlfriend. Ginger! SOMBRERO! Jersey Shore by default.

Package call for yesterday: My free/free shipping Handbook for Family & Friends of Service Members: Before, During and After Deployment, my Cavallini Birds and Animals postcards, and the second seat  for our Britax stroller. And nobody stole them off the porch while we were gone (which is always a good thing!).

Woke up this morning to great news but it's secret news. At least for a while. And that means it could be any number of things. So, if you ruin my day, I'll disown you.

Now that I can make the stroller into a double and stuff Allie in there so she won't have to walk with me, we're going to the park later to walk. Hopefully I can do 2 laps (3mi) without getting too worn out.

Fair winds!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mail call!

I love signing up for coupons/samples online and then forgetting about them until 4-8wks later. It's even better when I forget whether or not I got the mail the day before and decide to wait until the next day to get it. :]

Today, I recieved my Altitude stickers ("Self-esteem is bad for the economy" and "Debt is good for the economy"), a 10ct of Tide stain release pacs and a 1-load packet of detergent, BJ's coupons galore!, Hardee's coupons, and a Redplum coupon insert!

Also, I forgot to mention that I won my tickets from FM99 WNOR today. I was too excited to think straight! lol Getting a babysitter & finding out where to get my tickets was at the front of my mind!

Fair winds.


So, about 2wks ago, my friend Stephanie told me to text a random code to a random number. Blindly, I did. Afterward she told me it was to win 2 tickets to see 311 & Sublime in concert.

Fastforward to about an hour ago. I miss a call because I'm dragging Jason out of the bathroom to get him away from the toilet. I check my voicemail to discover that I was the winner of the text contest to win the tickets!

So, providing I can get a babysitter and get the headlights working properly on my van, Stephanie & I are totally going to see 311 & Sublime in concert tomorrow night!

Mikey's going to be SOO jealous when he finds out. Of course, I'm going to think of him the entire time and maybe get him a shirt or something (read: get him a shirt that I will then wear until he's physically here to wear it himself). :D

They're lawn seats, we can get it at 5/5:30ish, and it starts at 6:30. It's going to be awesome! This totally beats the Hell out of that $50 I won on a pulltab that one time and then spent mostly on Ricker pop and cigarettes. 

I miss my husband.

Well, I miss him every day but more so this morning.

Jason no longer refuses only by saying "No!" He's added "Uh-uh" into the mix; something Allie didn't start doing until she was closer to 3. He's also following longer requests now; "Go get your binkie. No, not that one, the other one. Over there, under the table." "Dada" is still synonymous with "Goodnight" and "Goodbye," though.

He also likes wearing his underwear over his shorts. Paired with a blanket stuffed into the back of his shirt and he's a little Superhero.

I've gotten the "Special things for Dad" box mostly painted. The inside just has to dry. It was a $5 chest from Michaels and I've used $6 worth of paint ($1.94 spent with my coupons) on it. I'm sure stickers will come later and then I'll have to get a sealant or something to make sure they don't come up.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The rest of the day

Not much else has happened since Jason ordered the video earlier.

We went to the store and picked up a few things and I ordered the jump seat for the stroller. I hope to start walking 10miles each week (divided into 3miles 3x/week) with the kids and I know it's hard for Allie to keep up if we're going at more than a casual pace.

I know it's going to be hot out but nothing a few bottles of water and some good sunshades can't help with. Plus, I can let Allie play video games on the DS while she rides and that'll keep her happy & contained. There're just too many distractions at the park and the last thing I'd want her to do is make a run for something and slide into the lake. >.<

The route around the lake is nice and tree-filled so there should be enough shade for me but there will be bouts of none. It's 1.5mi marked and I can do 2 laps in about 1.5hrs. More/less depending, of course. I'm hoping the heat is beatable but enough to help work off a few extra calories.

We slept in this morning and Jason didn't wake me until 8:45. I usually sleep through Allie waking up & playing unless she needs something and really wakes me up. She has a little clock with big numbers and she knows not to bother me until at least 8:00! Mainly because Jason has started skipping his afternoon naps (unless it's 100% quiet and that's not possible here!) and he gets mean the last few hours between supper & bed if it's missed. 

Because of sleeping in, Jason & I are still up now. He's laying on the couch and waiting for Bubble Guppies to come on. Hopefully that'll put him to sleep because I'm tired. Got the trash taken out but laundry needs done tomorrow and I need to get in the shower.

Fair winds.

Parkour Takes Las Vegas

Went to the bathroom earlier and left Jason alone in the living room. PBS was on and I didn't think anything about it. Of course, he didn't want to watch Martha Speaks anymore so he got the remote and changed the channel...And bought an hour-long program called "Parkour Takes Las Vegas"...for about $7. Awesome.

That'll teach me to leave the remote what I thought was safely on top of the computer tower.

Fair winds.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I keep neglecting our garland.

I had to add 2 links to it today because I had forgotten about it over the weekend. Oops. >.<
Today, we made Clean Clouds. Allie liked it and said it was squishy but Jason refused to touch it. He didn't like the texture! lol He helped shred the toilet paper but then got bored and started climbing on the coffee table (again). Now he's passed out on the couch and Allie's watching Phineas & Ferb. I'm taking the time to get an entry in on here.

I've just recently discovered a site called Postcrossing and absolutely love it! I ordered some postcards off Amazon and requested my 5 addresses. One postcard is already out (we made it out of an organic granola bar snack box. Read the postal requirements for making your own postcards here.) and the rest will be sent out once our package arrives.

I love the site because, for every postcard you send that is registered by the recipient, your address is (safely) passed on to someone else so that they can send you one. Basically, for every one you send, you get one back. And the countries are random. So far, our addresses are Russia, the Netherlands, China, Finland, and Taiwan.

I plan on getting a piece of corkboard and gluing our world map to it. Then we can put a pin in each country that we get a postcard from. I've asked that each person that sends us a postcard writes a few things about themselves or their country on it so we can learn about different places. I think it's a fantastic learning experience for Allie and will be a great way to practice her writing once she's gotten some more practice in.

I've added the blog Play at Home Mom to my list off to the right of here so, if you're interested in more than the Clean Clouds recipe, you can easily find the link again.

Fair winds!

Saturday, July 23, 2011


So, we went to our first Meetup today. The group is all the military wives in this particular housing area. There were lots of kids (newborn to 10-12), lots of ice cream, lots of running, and then it rained. And it's still raining. And shows no sign of stop til 4am and then there's supposed to be more rain runnng from 1pm tomorrow to about 4pm Monday. Yes. Please.

It's running through the worst now with more coming down from Richmond. It's been so hot and horrible I wish it really would rain for days. Or at least for the rest of the weekend and Monday. It can stop on Tuesday because then I'll run out of groceries. We just polished off the milk so I'm not sure how long I can get away without any. At least the kids can drink tea for a while. :]

Jason had such a fun time at the Meetup and actually getting OUT! and ACTIVE! that he climbed up on the couch (we've been home for half an hour) and fell asleep on the couch while watching Dora. Guess it's time to gather him up and move him to his room. I'm so glad neither of my kids are afraid of storms. <3

Fair winds.


I saw it yesterday with a friend. In 3-D IMAX. Kids went to said friend's friend's house for 4.5hrs. According to Allie the, "Watched Bambi and 2 iCarlys and ate lunch and went potty and read a book and got smacked on the head with a balloon that she was told not to touch but kept touching and then she cried because the babysitter was mean." But, when you're that age, everyone that doesn't let you get away with murder gets branded "mean."

Anyway. Harry Potter. More specifically, Snape. Yes, Snape. Boat house does NOT = Shrieking Shack. Also, movieverse James Potter has brown hair, not black like Harry. And brown + ginger does not = black-haired child. Conspiracy theoryy! (Love child much?) Anyway. I cried. And then felt stupid. And then cried some more during the memory sequence. Of all the movies I've ever seen Alan Rickman in (2 other than HP), I'd think that was the most I've seen him emote. Except he was relatively emotive in Snow Cake. But that's not the point. I forgot what the point was. I'm tired of this conversation.

Oooh! Ooh! My necklace is done and I love it! It got mailed out sometime yesterday/today/I don't know because the maker lives in Oregan and I live in Virginia and I suck at time zones. Anyway, here's a picture!

I LOVE IT! YAYYYYY!! lol I can't wait to wear it til it falls off. :]

I have a feeling that if I stay on here much longer I'll start ranting about Harry Potter some more. lol I can't wait until Allie gets old enough to read the books. I think I'll start reading the first 1 too her. It's the least violent out of all of them but, when battling an evil dark lord, violence is a bit given. Plus, the first movie is safe enough for her as well and not very scary. I think she'll enjoy them more as she ages.

I know I loved watching the movies since I'm the same age as most of the actors so it was like growing up with them. <3

Heat index was 115 yesterday but only (only! *snort*) 105 today.

Fair winds!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's gonna be fun on a bun!

New Futurama toniight! Last week, I missed the episode because Mikey's only day off was from 11am to 11pm and then he was back at work. I didn't want to be awake when he left (I was going to cry) so I went ahead and took my before-bed pills early so I'd be asleep by 10:30; thinking I'd watch Futurama at 10. Joke was on me and I was uncontrollably asleep by 9:45.

Good thing they replay the previous week's episode before the new one each week. Sooo...I'll get my chance to watch the missed episode at 9:30 with the new one at 10. SCORE! It's going to be lonely tonight since Jason now goes to bed on schedule at 9 each night instead of falling asleep on me around 9:30-10 like previously.

Then again, that means I won't have to pull him off the coffee table every 5 minutes. I did catch him drawing on our nice Samsung LCD tv with a yellow highlighter earlier when I brought dinner in. Jooooy. Looks like another furniture rearrange is on my list.

Jason decided he was going to be a cranky butt so he went to bed a few minutes ago. Hopefully he'll binkie overload early and go out without a fight. Just turned of Allie's movie for tonight (Emperer's New Groove- a personal favorite for me!) and the kids spent 5 minutes goodnighting eachother; "Night, Bubba!" -"Da-Da!"

Yes. He says "Da-Da" for "Goodnight" and "Good Bye." Why? Because every time Mikey had to go to work while he was awake, I'd tell him to "Say bye bye to Dada!" and he'd just say "Da-Da!" and wave. So, to him, Dada is Dada, goodnight, and good bye.

Fair winds.

Seal pups and wolf pups make 'squeak' sounds when they need help.

It's amazing you can learn from a $1 book from Target when your preschooler is reading. It's called "Animal Kids" and it's a level 1 reader book. And it was $1. Works for everyone. :]


And there's Jason on the floor watching Phineas & Ferb. He laughs uncontrollably when Perry makes his platypus noise. lol

My necklace order from La Femme Noir is being completed soon! I'm super happy. :]

I've even gone ahead and linked their website (it's a husband & wife team) on the right sidebar so go check them out if you're interested in burlesque/steampunk/slightly military/etc. designs.  They do have an Etsy page but they're also moving things over to eBay. There's a 50% off code for the remaining items on Etsy. If you go to their linked page and look through the first few posts, you can find that code. :]

Fair winds.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Went well today. Commissary, Walmart, Target, not necessarily in that order. Saved about $50 in coupons but spent much more. >.< That's okay. Groceries are good.

Allie got a new pair of jeans for this fall at Target for $4.50. I call that a good price. She also came away with some My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic panties since I accidentally shrunk a few pairs in the wash and another was developing a hole on the elastic. Also came away with some more vitamins. Flintstones vitamins & Penguin books have a thing where, if you buy a bottle of vitamins and send the receipt & UPC, they'll send one of two free books in 6-8wks. Score! Free book for buying something she uses daily!

Allie's movie for tonight is her namesake (Alice in Wonderland). She likes watching a movie every night before bed. It gives her time to quiet down and be alone and it has gone from every night being a fight (complete with her screaming for an hour) to a "Night, mommy!" Wonderful.

Well, Wednesday doesn't have good "after-the-kids-go-to-bed" tv on. I might watch The King & I. Or I might just go to bed early. Jason's been good at playing quietly in his room or going right to sleep when I drop him in his (gated) room about 9pm every night. Having Allie go to bed 2 hours earlier (7pm for movie) gives him time to wind down and spend a little time alone with me to work on his speech. I hope that once my husband comes home, he'll be able to be greeted by "I love you, Dada!" One can only hope...

Fair winds.

I had a girl who was precious to me but a shark took her away, you see

Now I fight sharks not for money but for LOVE (and that ain't funny, yo).

In case you didn't know, today is Wednesday. The high is 94°, the UV index is 10, and the pollen count is 'very high.' Which is perfect. My font changed partway through that sentence and I can't fix it. Awesome. No, wait. Fixed it.

According to my counter on iGoogle, my husband & I have been together for  1,483 days. 4.06yrs. Yup, sounds about right. Of course, we've been married for a year less than that, but, *cough* who's counting. lol

I got ahold of my Ombudsman yesterday and got my information to her so I'll be in the loop when it comes to the boys on patrol.  Hopefully I'll be able to find out what my husband's email is so I can email him. :] I know he'll email me but I don't want to wait for that.

After lunch, the kids and I are going to be braving the heat and heading to the commissary for some groceries. The freezer is full so that's good/bad. We're out of eggs and I want to get some turkey bacon as well. I also want to load up on more muffin mix since that's an easy meal in itself and good for when the kids don't want to eat much.

On Friday, the kids are going to a babysitter's house while a friend and I go see Deathly Hallows pt. 2 in 3-D IMAX! How awesome is that?!

I just have to hope the PIN in my head is the right one or else I have no access to an ATM. Oops. And re-setting it would require a new card that I'd have to activate and that would take 10 days not to mention I'd have to fix all the direct payments that come from my card. -.- Bah.

Fair winds.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Today's Tuesday!

And that means a new episode of Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated tonight at 7:30! That's basically going to be the highlight of my evening. Also going to sort through the laundry and get some more ready to go in tomorrow morning. I can't put things in the washer past a certain time in the afternoon or I forget and it sits in there all night and I have to wash it again in the morning.

Now that Mr. Man is napping, I need to get on making a grocery list for Walmart & the Commissary. Sales change between tonight & tomorrow at the Commissary but this will be a routine trip so if it's on sale, all the better, but my trip won't be based on sales alone. I really need to go through the fridge & cabinets and clear things out.

My mini guillotine paper cutter came today so I can make a paper chain but the thing sucks at cutting through construction paper folded in half. I have to bring it down hard and hope my fingers aren't within range. But we don't need a full-size good one so it'll have to do. I also think it's just temperamental towards construction paper. It cut through some spare newspaper just fine.

Fair winds.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Re-arranged Jason's Room!

Now that Mr. Man is sleeping consistently in his own bed, I decided it was time to clear out his crib (it was used as a catch-all for over sized stuffed animals and blankets) and put the crib up. Of course, after taking the crib apart, I ended up just putting the pieces on top of the laundry on my bed and going to do other things. 

On to the pictures!


 ^-- Allie picking up blocks

Jason hugging his bear --v


 ^-- View from the door

Immediately to the left. His dresser bins --v

 ^-- The play corner under his window

I used the spare mattress as a landing if/when he rolls out --v

^-- Another view from the door

About half of the items are secondhand, from thrift stores, or from yard sales. Like that nifty little couch up there came from Goodwill for $13. It was in better shape when we bought it, believe me. My kids are rough on things.

Fair winds.

I Pop Tic-Tacs like Pills


Just ordered more suppliments (Cranberry, Vitex, Red Raspberry Leaf, and Red Clover) since I'm about out. It's going to be weird not filling the husband's pill case for him but I certainly take enough things to keep me busy with that.

And the little man's spitting his drink all down the front of him. Awesome.

Fair winds.

It's Time for Lunch

And I feel helpless.

The littlest things have had me upset & crying all morning. I know that, in about 1.5 months, I'll suddenly feel fantastic and be excited. But it's not time for that, yet.

Kids are taking out some of the leftover pizza (bacon, pepperoni, & mushroom) from dinner last night. Curious George is on. Hopefully the kids will agree to nap for a bit (or at least play quietly, seperately, for a while).

Allie doesn't have a good concept of time yet so this isn't a big deal to her. I'm sure there will be some rough days but, in the end, it'll seem like a week to her. I'm going to start homeschooling her a little on August 1st (a Monday, a new month, and just generally a good day to start) so that's going to take up 3hrs of every day.

Jason, on the other hand, picked up on the general mood of the house last night & this morning and is acting out more than usual. He's climbing on the coffee table to open the disc drive on the computer, getting up into his booster seat at the table and trying to get the fly strip on the lamp, and just generally being a grumble.

I don't feel like doing anything "extra" today. I don't want to go outside. I don't want to do chores. I don't want to deal with people. I just want to lay around all day with the kids & watch tv. Or play on Jason's new road map rug. Anything that doesn't involve thinking. 

Fair winds and following seas.

Hopkins! QUICK! You're missing a lesbian Simon and Garfunkel!

The husband & I watched Arthur last night after the kids went to bed. Before that, we loaded up his seabag (it's bad luck for a seaman to carry a black traveling bag), ate a nice dinner of Chanello's pizza & wings, and got the kids in bed.

Our day was spent fixing the connection for the headlights on the van, getting Mikey's hair cut, locating a suitable new lanyard for me, and just generally not doing much. The trash got taken out but the grill didn't get put back in the shed. Oh well. I'll probably drop the kids in Allie's room for the 5 minutes it'll take me to do it.

Got some packages on the way this week from Amazon, Gymboree, & the In-Laws. Due today are my ultimate editions of Order of the Phoenix & Half-Blood Prince. Tomorrow, my mini guillotine paper cutter is due to arrive so we can start the paper garland for the kids. Also have a package from the In-Laws due to arrive in tomorrow. Kids are excited. :] On Wednesday, I've got a pair of lounge pants coming in. Then, on Friday, the kids' Gymboree haul is supposed to come in.

Big week for packages! The estimated date for packages to arrive and I have a love/hate relationship. I love when packages come in. I don't love when I have to wait around all day so nobody takes off with my packages. I'm sure this is a irrational fear, but it'll take a lot to change my feelings on it.

The kids & I have been up since 6am, and 6:30am, respectively. We were up at 6:45, breakfast at 7:15, and now it's finally rolled around to the time that we usually wake up & get moving. Today has an extra 2hrs added onto it for almost all of us. Hopefully that time is recovered via a nap after lunch (which will probably be closer to 10:30-11 at this rate).

I've gone and commissioned a necklace from a friend of mine and designer/owner of La Femme Noir and Static Steamworks. Hopefully it turns out beautiful and good for daily wear.

Well, I hear thumping and the sound of metal blinds being jerked around. Looks like it's time to go break up whatever the kids are doing in the little man's room before it turns into another case of a curtain bar & blackout curtain to the head.

Fair winds and following seas.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Drops of Jupiter

I barely slept last night and have been up since 6:30. Both kids are still asleep so I'm mobile-blogging from my bed while listening to Train on my phone.

Amazing this little pocket computer. It's the internet and stereo and GPS all in one. For me, it's also the weather channel, a family pda, and a "lady business" tracker. Oh, did you know this eyePhone is also a phone?!

Sounds like my music woke up the little man. Oops.  Hopefully he won't cause too much trouble if I let him channel surf in here with me.

I hope Mikey gets home soon. The lights need replaced on my van if I'm to drive near the dark any time soon. It's not that I can't do it myself, it's that we have a parking lot & not driveways. So the kids would be running crazy while I did it. 

...I'm hungry...

Fair winds and following seas.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


It's bedtime and my son is being grumply. He's only just moved into a toddler bed (from the middle of our bed) a month ago. He usually went to sleep by passing out somewhere around 9:30pm or he'd lay next to me in bed & flip channels on the tv.

I'm trying to get him adjusted to an 8pm bedtime. His big sissy heads to bed around 7 to watch a movie. Usually it's over around 8:30, I sneak in, and shut it & her mini tv off.

The routine now? Herd him into his room, put the gate up, turn on his moon & stars night light, turn on his crib light/sound machine on his bed, turn on his sea horse, give him a hug, hand him the basket we keep on his dresser to keep pacifiers (binkies, binks, etc) in, say good night, and leave.

Usually he's asleep within half an hour with minimal noise, "Mama? Mama nigh nigh? Nigh nigh!"

Fair winds and following seas.

Seabirds are thought to carry the souls of dead sailors

Also, it's believed that, if a woman sees a robin flying overhead on Valentine's Day, it means she will marry a sailor. That's where the blog title came from.

Hi. My name is Kate. I'm 22, married, have 2 children, and am addicted to both garden gnomes and reusable grocery bags. I also feel like I'm in AA after that introduction.

I started this mainly for my husband. To keep track of notable days while he's on patrol. The new words the boy child (20mo) learns and how well the girl child can read (4.5yrs). And also if the cats happen to puke up anything interesting in a shoe.

Some days I'll post a hundred things. Some times I might not post anything for days on end. This blog comes with confessions, angry rants, tears, the occasional picture, and things I like. Sometimes the posts may contain naughty words or saucy bits of knowledge.

You'll also see a lot of Futurama quotes. Deal with it.

Fair winds and following seas.