Monday, September 26, 2011

Another long overdue update

Got to visit Mikey again. Another super long drive there made easier by a portable DVD player. We're overnight in South Carolina for the night and should be home right around lunch tomorrow.

Next month we're moving while Mikey's out. I'm hoping to delay the move til November in hopes he'll be back to help. I'm not sure I can do it without him. I NEED help.

There's the cleaning, the people packing, the people taking our stuff, the cleaning, the 10 day motel stay while we wait to check out of that housing, the 2 day drive (with kitties this time), and then the stay there while a house comes available. Yeah. Awesome. Also selling off his car for scrap in that time frame as well so I have to have someone watch the kids while I clean THAT mess.

That'll put us down there by Halloween. Just in time to trick or treat and go to a friend's Halloween party for the kids. But we'll have an empty house for it. Maybe I'll have a friend take Allie out while Jason & I pass out candy and meet others. Unsure as of yet. And I hate being unsure.

It also really sucked having to drop Mikey off during this wicked thunderstorm. The road was flooded, the wind was killer, and the thunder was directly overhead while I was driving. Of course it was done by the time the kids and I got back to the hotel.

But he's out of his days off and is back to crazy work hours before they go out again. Unsure of how long. It could be gone a week or it could fail and sink and never come back. Both very real possibilities. Not helpful to think about, but it could happen.

Barely slept last night so the drive here was horrible. I was tired but Jason napped before lunch so that was helpful. Started the day with Tangled and then moved onto Pokemon: the First Movie. Not sure what the kids will watch tomorrow.

I am not looking forward to a week's worth of normal laundry plus the extra outfits the kids went through. Also have to repair the zipper on one of Jason's footie pajamas since it tore. Not awesome in the slightest.

Of course, there's also going to be 2 angry cats waiting for us at home. And a week's worth of litter box to clean. Hopefully its not in the hallway again this time. -.-

But, its about 7:30 now and I can't drive another 5hrs on 3hrs of sleep again. Hopefully the kids FINALLY calm the Hell down and go to sleep. No more rolling, kicking, whining, and "BUT I CAN'T SLEEP!"-ing again tonight or else I'ma wind up napping by the side of I-95.

Fair winds and following seas (or whatever submarines need) to my very-missed husband.

I hate ending phone calls with "I love you. Don't die."

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Overdue update

Well, we went down to see Mikey last week. It was super short notice and is a 10hr/ 520mi drive. Which is fun with kids as young as mine.

We made it down alright and with good time. The kids didn't mind staying so many nights at hotels. The car didn't burst into flames on I-95 and nobody got hit by a bus . I call that good. lol

We wound up going to the zoo in Jacksonville with a friend one day and the other was spent not doing much of anything. But we got to spend it with Mikey so that's what was the best part. Allie immediately started jabbering away and wouldn't stop talking and it took Jason a day to warm back up.

Hopefully, if all goes well, we'll get to go see him again next weekend if his schedule cycles back to having a 2-day weekend. He will be going out again so that's why we're going through so much trouble to see him.

Of course, I plan on on investing in DVD players for the van and taking a few movies along so that the kids won't be so bored. We'll also be stopping 5hrs in for the night and then driving the next 5 the following day so we'll get there the night BEFORE his night off and will be able to get settled in the Navy lodge ahead of time.

Also, once we got home, Jason peed in the toilet for the first time and ate toothpaste. Not in that order, but still. Glad he's 5lbs larger than the "average" child his age and that he only ate about 2x what is used for brushing (it was Allie's and had fluoride). A cup of milk later and some grumblies in his stomach and he was better.


Monday, September 5, 2011

The Spirit Temple

So, I can't remember if I posted about it or not, but we got Mikey a 3DS & Zelda for when he gets back. I'm not looking foreward to relinquishing it but Zelda has 3 save game slots so it won't hurt too bad.

I've been playing it every chance I get (the kids love it) and I couldn't gotten through some pieces without the help of an amazing walkthrough. I've beaten all the temples but the Shadow Temple originally but it's been so long since I've even done that.

Which brings me to this video.

It's basically 3 Norweigan guys compressing all of Ocarina of Time into 4:01 minutes, acting it themselves, and doing the soundtrack (Gerudo's Valley theme) themselves on a marimba. Yeah.

So, think about that until I get around to posting again. lol

Why so far in between posts lately? Well, simple. I'm cleaning. I have a hallway again. And a computer desk! And Jason's room is clean (for the night) and Allie has a bookcase ($15 Walmart) for all the books she can read now and I've done more laundry today than I have since Mikey's been gone. lol

Towels are folded and in the linen closet. Quilts & extra blankets are in the linen closet. Kids' blankets are folded and in their under-the-bed storage tubs that hold their sheets/blankets. Even washed a pillow since one of the cats was a jerk and puked on it. lol

Now, maintaining this clean is the hard part. I want the house to be awesome for when Mikey gets home. Plus, it'll help the move go faster if everything's mostly clean & organized. I mean, the folding tables will remain under the dining table since I can't get the shed open to put them up. Same with the cat carriers.

I've been working on/off since I got up this morning and it's worn me out. I'm certain that I've fallen into a bout of depression lately since Mikey's being away has worn on me so much. It was novel & sad at first and now it's just annoying. I'm sure this is how every underway is going to go.


I'm tired and going to bed now.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Za-Za Man is their idol

Ordered pizza last night for dinner. Kids got a pepperoni & bacon and I got an anchovy & banana pepper. Also got a side of cheese bread. Nom.

This is the second time since Mikey's been gone that we've ordered pizza. This time, it was a little past dinner when the doorbell rang and the kids were there before I was. Once I moved them and got the door open, Jason started screaming "ZA-ZA!!" at the top of his lungs and basically trying to get out to tackle the pizza man & steal his pizza.

I think Dominos knows our address by now because we've never had anything but awesome, polite delivery persons. One's grabbed the cat for me after it ran out, one held the doors and stared down the kids so I could maneuver the pizza boxes inside, and they've all been enthusiastic and worked up the kids by repeating Jason's "Yay! Pizza!" attitude.

Of course, aren't kids supposed to WANT to eat pizza for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner? Mine don't seem to agree with this but it's the only way the 3 of us can take down 2 medium pizzas in under a week. lol

Hell. I broke the computer chair. I just leaned back and one of the bolts holding the back/armrests onto the seat pulled out. Because I totally wanted to spend my afternoon hunting down an allen wrench to fix it.

Jason found a penny (Allie found it but left it on the table) so I got down their pig banks that my uncle made them for Christmas and they're putting the pennies in the banks. I don't like the kids touching gross coins so we went to the dollar store for plastic coins.

The only ones we could find were pink & paired with toy bills. Great. Like I want MORE toy bills around. But now we have 48 large plastic coins that are less of a disease AND choking hazard that normal pennies. After breaking the tail off one pig bank and chipping the ear on the other, I've decided that an empty Cottonelle fresh wipes dispense works GREAT as a toddler-proof bank.

Also, going into day 2 of no TV going in the living room. Children still spend just as much time sitting around the living room and just as much time playing in their rooms/outside. Funny how that works.

Of course, this is all because I'm too lazy to go get a new remote for the living room TV. I still watch things at night in my room. lol

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Something I forgot in the chaos

A few nights ago, we went to Walgreens at about 7:30pm. I had forgotten all about this because of everything going on lately. But, while we were there, Allie said the most wonderful and childish thing ever.

While we were standing outside, Allie stops for a second, gets really excited, and goes "I hear the moon!!"

It took me a minute to realise she was referring to the crickets chirruping and bugs making general bug noises like they do at dusk. Or, as Allie called it, "the moon."