Monday, September 26, 2011

Another long overdue update

Got to visit Mikey again. Another super long drive there made easier by a portable DVD player. We're overnight in South Carolina for the night and should be home right around lunch tomorrow.

Next month we're moving while Mikey's out. I'm hoping to delay the move til November in hopes he'll be back to help. I'm not sure I can do it without him. I NEED help.

There's the cleaning, the people packing, the people taking our stuff, the cleaning, the 10 day motel stay while we wait to check out of that housing, the 2 day drive (with kitties this time), and then the stay there while a house comes available. Yeah. Awesome. Also selling off his car for scrap in that time frame as well so I have to have someone watch the kids while I clean THAT mess.

That'll put us down there by Halloween. Just in time to trick or treat and go to a friend's Halloween party for the kids. But we'll have an empty house for it. Maybe I'll have a friend take Allie out while Jason & I pass out candy and meet others. Unsure as of yet. And I hate being unsure.

It also really sucked having to drop Mikey off during this wicked thunderstorm. The road was flooded, the wind was killer, and the thunder was directly overhead while I was driving. Of course it was done by the time the kids and I got back to the hotel.

But he's out of his days off and is back to crazy work hours before they go out again. Unsure of how long. It could be gone a week or it could fail and sink and never come back. Both very real possibilities. Not helpful to think about, but it could happen.

Barely slept last night so the drive here was horrible. I was tired but Jason napped before lunch so that was helpful. Started the day with Tangled and then moved onto Pokemon: the First Movie. Not sure what the kids will watch tomorrow.

I am not looking forward to a week's worth of normal laundry plus the extra outfits the kids went through. Also have to repair the zipper on one of Jason's footie pajamas since it tore. Not awesome in the slightest.

Of course, there's also going to be 2 angry cats waiting for us at home. And a week's worth of litter box to clean. Hopefully its not in the hallway again this time. -.-

But, its about 7:30 now and I can't drive another 5hrs on 3hrs of sleep again. Hopefully the kids FINALLY calm the Hell down and go to sleep. No more rolling, kicking, whining, and "BUT I CAN'T SLEEP!"-ing again tonight or else I'ma wind up napping by the side of I-95.

Fair winds and following seas (or whatever submarines need) to my very-missed husband.

I hate ending phone calls with "I love you. Don't die."

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