Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Overdue update

Well, we went down to see Mikey last week. It was super short notice and is a 10hr/ 520mi drive. Which is fun with kids as young as mine.

We made it down alright and with good time. The kids didn't mind staying so many nights at hotels. The car didn't burst into flames on I-95 and nobody got hit by a bus . I call that good. lol

We wound up going to the zoo in Jacksonville with a friend one day and the other was spent not doing much of anything. But we got to spend it with Mikey so that's what was the best part. Allie immediately started jabbering away and wouldn't stop talking and it took Jason a day to warm back up.

Hopefully, if all goes well, we'll get to go see him again next weekend if his schedule cycles back to having a 2-day weekend. He will be going out again so that's why we're going through so much trouble to see him.

Of course, I plan on on investing in DVD players for the van and taking a few movies along so that the kids won't be so bored. We'll also be stopping 5hrs in for the night and then driving the next 5 the following day so we'll get there the night BEFORE his night off and will be able to get settled in the Navy lodge ahead of time.

Also, once we got home, Jason peed in the toilet for the first time and ate toothpaste. Not in that order, but still. Glad he's 5lbs larger than the "average" child his age and that he only ate about 2x what is used for brushing (it was Allie's and had fluoride). A cup of milk later and some grumblies in his stomach and he was better.


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