Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I miss my husband.

Well, I miss him every day but more so this morning.

Jason no longer refuses only by saying "No!" He's added "Uh-uh" into the mix; something Allie didn't start doing until she was closer to 3. He's also following longer requests now; "Go get your binkie. No, not that one, the other one. Over there, under the table." "Dada" is still synonymous with "Goodnight" and "Goodbye," though.

He also likes wearing his underwear over his shorts. Paired with a blanket stuffed into the back of his shirt and he's a little Superhero.

I've gotten the "Special things for Dad" box mostly painted. The inside just has to dry. It was a $5 chest from Michaels and I've used $6 worth of paint ($1.94 spent with my coupons) on it. I'm sure stickers will come later and then I'll have to get a sealant or something to make sure they don't come up.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry youre missing your husband. I would tell you it takes some getting used to, like I've heard from everyone... but really you don't "get used to it". You adjust. Be sure to take it one day at a time... You'll always miss him, some days more than others... but with every passing day you're closer to that end mark. <3
