Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Went well today. Commissary, Walmart, Target, not necessarily in that order. Saved about $50 in coupons but spent much more. >.< That's okay. Groceries are good.

Allie got a new pair of jeans for this fall at Target for $4.50. I call that a good price. She also came away with some My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic panties since I accidentally shrunk a few pairs in the wash and another was developing a hole on the elastic. Also came away with some more vitamins. Flintstones vitamins & Penguin books have a thing where, if you buy a bottle of vitamins and send the receipt & UPC, they'll send one of two free books in 6-8wks. Score! Free book for buying something she uses daily!

Allie's movie for tonight is her namesake (Alice in Wonderland). She likes watching a movie every night before bed. It gives her time to quiet down and be alone and it has gone from every night being a fight (complete with her screaming for an hour) to a "Night, mommy!" Wonderful.

Well, Wednesday doesn't have good "after-the-kids-go-to-bed" tv on. I might watch The King & I. Or I might just go to bed early. Jason's been good at playing quietly in his room or going right to sleep when I drop him in his (gated) room about 9pm every night. Having Allie go to bed 2 hours earlier (7pm for movie) gives him time to wind down and spend a little time alone with me to work on his speech. I hope that once my husband comes home, he'll be able to be greeted by "I love you, Dada!" One can only hope...

Fair winds.

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