Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Peaceful Housewife- Natural Cleaning Products ebook review

So, I got to be emailed a copy of The Peaceful Housewife's ebook about natural household cleaners so I could review it. :] I even get to run a small contest and email out 2 copies of the PDF to winners. But more on that later.

It's a good collection of cleaner recipes from everything from laundry products to oven cleaners. Some recipes even have variants listed under them so there are more options on how to make the product if you're allergic to something or are out of something.

I've seen some of the recipes online before (the laundry detergent) and, if you have the time and energy to devote to searching, you can find them yourself. But some of them I'd never even considered making at home (like furniture polish!).

The products are easy to make and I could make almost all of them with things I have around the house right now. You can even buy the products from her site (as linked above). The ebook contains everything in one place to make it easier to find. I've actually been looking into making my own powdered laundry soap lately just to see if it's as awesome as I've read.

Now, to the part where there's free stuff. lol I've never given anything away (mainly because this is a blog for my thoughts and life, but whatever) so hang with me on this one.

Leave a comment letting me know what chemical cleaning product you rely too heavily on and what product you wish you could find in a less-chemically form.

I'll use Random.org on September 6th (that's a week from today!) to pick out 2 people to recieve a copy of the ebook. Fo FREE.

And, because it needs to be at the bottom:
"I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers."


  1. We are a mostly chemical free home. However, we still use bleach in our home. And magic erasers. Magic erasers are so fantastic for scrubbing crayon off of surfaces, but I'd opt for something chemical free with the same solution if possible.

  2. Yay free stuff! =)

    Anyway, The one chemical thing we use the most in this house is Clorox wipes. They're just too darn convenient, for when I don't feel like getting out a cloth and spray bottle, wetting it, etc. I usually feel bad about using them almost every day, but then I think "Oh well" and get over it, because it's less stress for my life. =D
